Drama Workshop by Shiv’s Academy Age: 5+
Artist / performer / instructor
Shiv’s Academy
Acting has been described variously as an art, a craft, a reaction and a state of being. Indeed, drama as a whole, is a function of doing. Hence, Raah along with Shiv’s Academy is bringing in a Summer Drama Workshop where the children and teens will get to learn Meisner Technique of Dramatics.
What is Meisner Technique? When an actor does not focus on himself/herself and instead concentrates on the other actors in the immediate environment, that approach to acting is called Meisner Technique. In this workshop the students will get to learn the basics of Emotional Preparation, Repetition, and Improvisation. Learn the Technique from Tushar Patil who is a Theatre and Dance Professional with over 16-year experience in training students and staging performances in Bangalore and Mumbai.
Event Date / Time
May 3, 2022 @ 10:00 am
Event Duration
10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Donation Pass
3000/- per child
Contact person
Raah (9763095043)
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