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Pagla Ghoda

Artist / performer / instructor

Maharashtra Cultural Centre

Maharashtra Cultural Centre presents Badal Sarkar’s powerful desperately probing play ‘PAGLA GHODA’ about how patriarchal tyranny can destroy all claims of female empowerment.
The most interesting part of the play is that the patriarchal characters, each one is a secret groin-renegade more sinned than sinned against, these men are “normal” on the top. But as they talk into the night, they bring out all the blemishes, discrepancies and hypocrisies of our social order where women are less equal than men even when the men they meet are “progressive” in a twisted kind of way.


Event Date / Time

October 14, 2018 @ 6:30 pm

Event Duration

6:30 - 8:30 pm

Donation Pass


Contact person

Raah (9763095043)


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